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Life Insurance

Cancer rates continue to fall

13 February 2017

More than 134,000 cancer cases will be diagnosed in Australia this year, but death rates are continuing to fall…

Keep ASIC out of claims, says FSC

13 February 2017

The Financial Services Council has rejected calls for legislation allowing the Australian Securities and Investments Commission to get involved in claims disputes…

CBA completes advice review assessments

13 February 2017

Commonwealth Bank has completed all assessments in its Open Advice Review program, examining advice provided by Commonwealth Financial Planning and Financial Wisdom…

Automation aims to enhance adviser role: MLC

06 February 2017

Automating aspects of the life insurance advice process must add value to the adviser’s role, according to MLC Life Chief Customer Officer, Retail Advised Insurance Melissa Heyhoe…

Banks step up information-sharing on bad apples

06 February 2017

The Australian Bankers’ Association has developed a reference-checking and information-sharing protocol to help members share knowledge of bad advisers and stop them moving around the industry…

MLC sees the future in Big Data

30 January 2017

Shorter claim times and tailored policies are two potential benefits arising from the use of Big Data, according to a report commissioned by MLC Life Insurance and the Financial Services Council…