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Life Insurance

Industry IT chiefs target process improvements

17 July 2017

Process optimisation is the biggest influence on IT plans among life insurance chief information officers in the Asia-Pacific region this year, according to a survey by research house Celent…

ANZ conjures up real-time pre-assessment tool

17 July 2017

ANZ Wealth has introduced a tool designed to take up to two days off pre-assessment times, by identifying loadings and exclusions for pre-existing medical conditions in real time…

ASIC flags concerns on group life disclosure

10 July 2017

Superannuation fund information sheets on group life insurance often do not match the cover offered, an Australian Securities and Investments Commission report says…

MLC fires up underwriting engine

10 July 2017

MLC Life Insurance has struck a deal to offer Pacific Life Re’s underwriting rules engine – UnderwriteMe – in Australia…

Cbus secures 25% premium cut

10 July 2017

Construction industry superannuation fund Cbus has negotiated a 25% premium reduction on its group life insurance policy provided by TAL…

Study reveals scale of skin cancer costs

10 July 2017

Skin cancer treatments cost Victorian hospitals more than $122 million a year, according to research from Deakin University and Cancer Council Victoria…

Medical definitions added to life code

03 July 2017

The Life Insurance Code of Practice has been strengthened with the last-minute inclusion of minimum standard medical definitions for cancer, heart attack and stroke, for use in trauma and critical illness policies…

Industry practices fall short, inquiry says

03 July 2017

The financial services industry’s practices and culture “fall well short” of public expectations, according to the Senate Economics References Committee’s Scrutiny of Financial Advice inquiry…

Super bodies want commission ban extended

03 July 2017

The ban on upfront and trail commissions should apply to all life insurance sales and be expanded to cover general insurance, Industry Super Australia and the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees say in a joint submission to Treasury…

New dispute scheme ‘lacks insurance clarity’

03 July 2017

More legislative clarity is needed around insurance complaints in superannuation if the Australian Financial Complaints Authority is to handle such cases effectively, two super bodies say in a joint submission to Treasury…

Research puts $12 billion price tag on mental illness

03 July 2017

Depression, anxiety disorders and substance abuse, the three most common mental health conditions, cost Australia about $12.8 billion a year, according to a study funded by Medibank Better Health Foundation…