Beazley flags premium rate gains after profit drops 43%
12 February 2018
Specialty insurer Beazley says pre-tax profit fell 43% last year to $US168 million after the industry experienced one of its most costly periods for natural disasters…
12 February 2018
Specialty insurer Beazley says pre-tax profit fell 43% last year to $US168 million after the industry experienced one of its most costly periods for natural disasters…
12 February 2018
German insurer Talanx has provisionally reported a 26.1% decline in group net income for last year, blaming huge losses from hurricanes and other natural disasters…
05 February 2018
Insurers and reinsurers are increasingly influential in insurtech, making 120 private investments last year and 35 in the last quarter alone, according to Willis Towers Watson…
05 February 2018
Last year was the costliest on record for weather-induced catastrophes, with economic damage reaching $US344 billion, according to Impact Forecasting…
05 February 2018
Catastrophe bond market issuance set new records last year due to strong investor demand, according to Willis Towers Watson and Aon Securities…
05 February 2018
Non-complex claims of up to £250,000 will be settled in a more efficient manner after the introduction last week of the Single Claims Agreement Party, Lloyd’s says…
05 February 2018
Insured losses from recent California wildfires amount to almost $US12 billion, setting a record for the state…
05 February 2018
Chubb has recorded a 4.8% decline in fourth-quarter net income, as earnings took a hit from the California wildfires…
05 February 2018
Aon says net income from continuing operations declined to $US435 million last year from $US1.3 billion in 2016, while total revenue grew 6% to $US10 billion…
05 February 2018
XL Group has reported a net loss of $US560.4 million for last year, hit by an above average year for natural disasters…
05 February 2018
The UK had about 975,000 telematics-based insurance policies last year, up 30% on 2016, according to the British Insurance Brokers’ Association…
29 January 2018
Business interruption remains the most feared threat to companies worldwide this year, the sixth straight year it has topped the annual Allianz Risk Barometer…
29 January 2018
Global insured catastrophe losses last year were the third-highest since Swiss Re’s Sigma records began in 1970…
29 January 2018
The hurricane trio of Harvey, Irma and Maria led to record payouts for the global insurance industry last year, Munich Re has confirmed…
29 January 2018
Rated insurers’ creditworthiness and performance this year will be supported by continued stable economic growth and financial conditions, according to S&P Global Ratings…
29 January 2018
The reinsurance industry is sufficiently capitalised to weather the spate of disasters that saw insured losses hit $US128 billion last year, the third most costly in history, according to Aon Benfield…
29 January 2018
Global broker Gallagher says it is “well positioned” to exploit the industry upturn after a strong earnings performance last year…
29 January 2018
AIG will buy Bermuda-based Validus Holdings for $US5.56 billion, in a deal it says will enhance its insurance capabilities and immediately lift earnings…
29 January 2018
Insurers may face a bill of up to $US3 billion if a cyber incident disrupts a major cloud service provider in the US for three to six days, a report from Lloyd’s and risk modeller AIR Worldwide warns…
29 January 2018
AM Best has maintained its negative outlook for the reinsurance market, citing doubts about the level and sustainability of uplifts in the operating environment…