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ISO enhances risk management standard

19 February 2018

A risk management standard has been overhauled amid threats to reputations and brands from cyber crime, political risk, terrorism and other sources, the International Organisation of Standardisation says…

Catastrophes dent Munich Re profit

12 February 2018

Munich Re has posted a “small profit” of €392 million for last year, as predicted following hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria…

Aon puts together record earthquake cat bond

12 February 2018

Aon Securities says it has structured a record $US1.36 billion earthquake catastrophe bond for the World Bank, providing coverage for Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru…

Storms knock down Zurich P&C profit

12 February 2018

Zurich Group’s net profit fell 6% to $US3 billion last year as the “exceptional impact” of hurricanes hit its property and casualty business…

Record cat losses and US tax sting AIG

12 February 2018

AIG slumped to a deeper net loss in the fourth quarter, as record catastrophe losses and a one-off charge arising from US tax reforms hit earnings…

WTW grows broking revenue

12 February 2018

Willis Towers Watson’s corporate risk and broking business grew fourth-quarter revenue to $US777 million, rising from $US706 million in the corresponding period of 2016…

Hackers will target industrial assets, experts warn

12 February 2018

Chemical facilities, energy platforms and other critical industrial assets face increased risk of cyber attacks this year, according to Marsh & McLennan and cyber-security group FireEye…

Disaster-hit US insurers run up large losses

12 February 2018

The US property and casualty industry was in the red for a second consecutive year in 2017, with a larger net underwriting loss of $US29.3 billion, AM Best says…

Cat bond market enjoys bumper year

05 February 2018

Catastrophe bond market issuance set new records last year due to strong investor demand, according to Willis Towers Watson and Aon Securities…

Lloyd’s lifts claims efficiency

05 February 2018

Non-complex claims of up to £250,000 will be settled in a more efficient manner after the introduction last week of the Single Claims Agreement Party, Lloyd’s says…

Aon income drops despite revenue gains

05 February 2018

Aon says net income from continuing operations declined to $US435 million last year from $US1.3 billion in 2016, while total revenue grew 6% to $US10 billion…

Catastrophes hit XL bottom line

05 February 2018

XL Group has reported a net loss of $US560.4 million for last year, hit by an above average year for natural disasters…