Lloyd’s weighs risks around synthetic biology
30 July 2018
Insurers should consider their exposure to unknown and possibly systemic risks in the developing field of biotechnology, Lloyd's warns…
30 July 2018
Insurers should consider their exposure to unknown and possibly systemic risks in the developing field of biotechnology, Lloyd's warns…
30 July 2018
Chubb is “running on all cylinders” despite a 0.8% decline in net income to $US1.29 billion in the second quarter…
30 July 2018
Aon’s second-quarter revenue grew 8% to $US2.6 billion amid gains in international broking, including Australia…
30 July 2018
JLT says its core businesses are trading strongly after first-half earnings took a hit from costs associated with a global transformation program announced in February…
30 July 2018
WR Berkley has attributed improved second-quarter earnings to rate improvements, a strengthening economy and increased market penetration…
30 July 2018
Marsh recorded net income of $US531 million in the second quarter, up 6% on the corresponding period last year…
30 July 2018
Beazley’s net income for the six months through June plummeted to $US48.5 million from $US130.9 million in the corresponding period last year…
30 July 2018
Scor has recorded net income of €262 million for the first half, down from €292 million in the corresponding period last year…
23 July 2018
The average gender pay gap in the UK insurance industry is 29% – more than double the average for all companies, according to Chartered Insurance Institute figures…
23 July 2018
About 32% of shipping losses last year occurred in Asia, making it the most incident-prone region, Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty says…
23 July 2018
Demand for insurance is expected to soar as the sharing economy becomes more popular with consumers…
23 July 2018
About 80% of US directors’ and officers’ policyholders rank cyber-related risks as their leading concern, a Willis Towers Watson survey shows…
23 July 2018
Insurers are considering a new underwriting approach for space risk, with the number of active satellites in orbit expected to climb over the next 10 years…
23 July 2018
Aon has published a paper on blockchain, explaining how the technology is more than just a solution to insurers’ processing and back-office inefficiencies…
23 July 2018
The British Insurance Brokers’ Association has welcomed passage last week of the UK’s Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill…
16 July 2018
US commercial motor rates recorded the largest rise by line in the second quarter at 6%, followed by commercial property at 4%, industry analyst MarketScout says…
16 July 2018
Reinsurance is increasingly important as a tool for reducing earnings volatility, as investors pressure insurers to meet profitability targets, a Willis Towers Watson survey finds…
16 July 2018
Japan’s general insurers will not be significantly affected by the worst floods to hit the country in more than 30 years, Moody’s says…
16 July 2018
Eight spells of severe thunderstorms last month left US insurers with a bill exceeding $US3 billion, Impact Forecasting says in its monthly catastrophe recap…
16 July 2018
Insurers sustained losses of $US2.1 billion from Storm Friederike, making it the industry’s most costly natural disaster in the first half of the year, Munich Re says…