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Talanx dumps coal business

29 April 2019

German insurer Talanx has announced an immediate halt to insuring new coal-fired power plants and coal mines…

Cyber take-up soars as risk awareness grows

15 April 2019

Cyber-insurance purchases have doubled in five years in the US following high-profile disruptions from the WannaCry and NotPetya attacks, a Marsh report shows…

Lloyd’s tightens booze ban

15 April 2019

Lloyd’s passholders who show signs of being under the influence of alcohol will be barred from entering the market’s premises during working hours, under new rules announced last week…

Reinsurer conference feels ‘winds of change’

15 April 2019

Climate change, digital disruption and other pressing issues will be discussed under the “winds of change” theme at the Singapore International Reinsurance Conference in October…

Billions suffer as climate change indicators rise

08 April 2019

The physical signs and socio-economic impacts of climate change are accelerating as record greenhouse gas concentrations push temperatures to dangerous levels, the World Meteorological Association says…

Energy market ‘in trauma’

08 April 2019

Atrocious loss records, a depleted premium pool and increased operating costs have put a squeeze on the downstream energy insurance market, Willis Towers Watson says…

US personal lines rates up as disasters take toll

08 April 2019

Huge price increases in catastrophe-hit Florida and California contributed to a 2% rise in the US composite rate for personal lines coverage in the first quarter, according to analyst MarketScout…

Court approves Marsh-JLT deal

01 April 2019

Marsh & McLennan’s $US5.6 billion takeover of JLT is set for completion today after the UK High Court of Justice approved the deal on Friday…