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Storms take heavy toll on Americas

11 March 2019

Severe winter weather in central and eastern US caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damage last month, according to Impact Forecasting’s latest global catastrophe report…

Insurtech investments soar

11 March 2019

Some 63 insurtech deals were announced in the fourth quarter of last year, totalling $US1.59 billion ($2.26 billion), according to Willis Towers Watson…

Lower losses drive US profit rise

11 March 2019

US property and casualty insurers achieved a 22% rise in aggregate net income to $US18.5 billion ($26.3 billion) last year, Moody’s Investors Service says…

Takeover costs dent JLT’s last result

04 March 2019

JLT’s profit fell last year amid costs related to the takeover by Marsh & McLennan, while the group’s trading result was lifted by its speciality division…

Buffett warns of inevitable mega-catastrophe

25 February 2019

A mega-catastrophe will bring “disastrous consequences beyond anything" the insurance industry has seen, Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett has warned…

CEOs more optimistic on digital change

25 February 2019

Insurance company leaders are now less apprehensive about digital transformation in the industry, according to a PwC global survey…

Winter storms, floods devastate Americas

18 February 2019

Natural disasters in the Americas caused billions of dollars of economic losses and many deaths last month, according to Impact Forecasting’s regular catastrophe recap…