Talanx dumps coal business
29 April 2019
German insurer Talanx has announced an immediate halt to insuring new coal-fired power plants and coal mines…
29 April 2019
German insurer Talanx has announced an immediate halt to insuring new coal-fired power plants and coal mines…
29 April 2019
The cost of rebuilding Notre-Dame de Paris will be paid by the French Government, which owns the cathedral and is its insurer…
29 April 2019
More than 61% of companies experienced digital attacks last year, up 45% on 2017, Hiscox says in an annual cyber-readiness report…
15 April 2019
Cyber-insurance purchases have doubled in five years in the US following high-profile disruptions from the WannaCry and NotPetya attacks, a Marsh report shows…
15 April 2019
The length and complexity of some insurance distribution chains means customers pay too much for home and motor products, according to the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority…
15 April 2019
Lloyd’s passholders who show signs of being under the influence of alcohol will be barred from entering the market’s premises during working hours, under new rules announced last week…
15 April 2019
Automated underwriting and the prospect of intelligent software selling policies to customers will require a “different way of thinking about insurance risks”, a new report says…
15 April 2019
Climate change, digital disruption and other pressing issues will be discussed under the “winds of change” theme at the Singapore International Reinsurance Conference in October…
08 April 2019
Cooler sea surface temperatures in the tropical Atlantic and far north may mean fewer major hurricanes making landfall in the US and Caribbean this year…
08 April 2019
The physical signs and socio-economic impacts of climate change are accelerating as record greenhouse gas concentrations push temperatures to dangerous levels, the World Meteorological Association says…
08 April 2019
Britain’s Financial Conduct Authority has started regulating claims management companies in a crackdown on misconduct…
08 April 2019
Atrocious loss records, a depleted premium pool and increased operating costs have put a squeeze on the downstream energy insurance market, Willis Towers Watson says…
08 April 2019
Huge price increases in catastrophe-hit Florida and California contributed to a 2% rise in the US composite rate for personal lines coverage in the first quarter, according to analyst MarketScout…
01 April 2019
Marsh & McLennan’s $US5.6 billion takeover of JLT is set for completion today after the UK High Court of Justice approved the deal on Friday…
01 April 2019
Lloyd’s will impose tough sanctions, including potential lifetime bans, against people found guilty of sexual harassment in the London marketplace…
01 April 2019
Lloyd’s maintains things are looking up despite the market posting losses for the second consecutive year…
01 April 2019
A security weakness in some keyless entry systems has partly driven record payouts for car thefts in the UK, insurers say…
01 April 2019
The Risk and Insurance Management Society will hold its first insurtech competition…
25 March 2019
Cyber attacks on electricity infrastructure are occurring more frequently but are not being reported, according to Guy Carpenter…
25 March 2019
Munich Re estimates net profit this year will increase by €200 million to €2.5 billion…