As insurtech matures, the deals get bigger
02 March 2020
The number of global insurtech deals dropped more than 40% last year as global investors focused on making a smaller number of large and high-quality deals...
02 March 2020
The number of global insurtech deals dropped more than 40% last year as global investors focused on making a smaller number of large and high-quality deals...
02 March 2020
Lloyd’s has introduced a policy to protect against losses from the theft of cryptocurrency from online wallets...
24 February 2020
Swiss Re has toughened up its response to the climate change threat by announcing a series of measures to cut carbon emissions...
24 February 2020
The property and casualty arm of Allianz suffered an 11.9% decline in operating profit to €5 billion last year, despite producing increased revenues of €59.2 billion, up 6.8% from 2018...
24 February 2020
Paris-based insurer Axa has warned its bottom line will take a hit this year from costs aimed at shoring up earnings at Axa XL and announced it has appointed a new CEO to run the unit...
24 February 2020
Swiss Re's full-year net income has soared 73% to $US727 million, despite the group suffering a $US2.7 billion hit from natural and man-made catastrophes...
24 February 2020
Former Lloyd's CEO Inga Beale has been appointed an independent director of global claims management group Crawford & Company...
24 February 2020
The number of mergers and acquisitions globally in the insurance industry rose 10% to 419 deals last year, the highest in four years, international law group Clyde & Company says...
24 February 2020
The oil and mining industries make up around a third of demand for credit and political risk insurance, but that is set to change as interest in renewables rises, according to broker BPL Global...
24 February 2020
Lloyd's says improvements to the way the market operates will become tangible this year as it moves ahead with a blueprint to cut costs and overhaul its performance...
24 February 2020
Analytics company GlobalData says the rise of sharing economy companies such as Airbnb and Uber pose both challenges and opportunities to insurance, blurring the lines for an industry which typically distinguishes between personal and commercial products...
17 February 2020
Parts of the UK were inundated with severe rain and flooding as Storm Dennis triggered a highest red warning alert for south Wales from the Met Office yesterday...
17 February 2020
Lloyd’s has published a list of the 14 members who make up its new Culture Advisory Group, set up as part of a comprehensive drive for behavioural change in the market...
17 February 2020
AIG has reported a net income of $US922 million in the fourth quarter, making a strong recovery from the $US622 million loss the business suffered a year earlier..
17 February 2020
Zurich has reported a 12% rise in full-year net income to $US4.14 billion, lifted in part by a strong showing from its property and casualty arm...
17 February 2020
UK consumers with medical conditions who find it difficult to obtain travel insurance will be directed to a directory of firms prepared to provide cover under rules to take effect this year...
10 February 2020
The value of mergers and acquisitions in the global insurance industry halved to $US43.63 billion last year...
10 February 2020
The coronavirus outbreak is likely to weigh on earnings at China’s general and life insurance firms this year, S&P says, although the ratings agency expects eventual mortality claims will be moderate...
10 February 2020
Chubb has started the year in “excellent shape” after the business finished the December quarter on a strong note, Chairman and CEO Evan Greenberg says...
10 February 2020
A 13% jump in sales for the final three months of last year pushed annual revenue at Willis Towers Watson to $US9.04 billion, driven by robust generation of new business and strong client retention...