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Swiss Re flies into Microsoft's cloud

16 March 2020

Swiss Re has teamed with Microsoft to launch its new Digital Market Centre, which it says will transform the way insurers measure business risks in a digital environment and enable a new class of technology solutions...

Crawford creates 24/7 virus information centre

16 March 2020

Global claims management group Crawford & Company has created a special round-the-clock claims support desk for insurers and brokers to ensure consistent handling of advice and any claims related to COVID-19...

Merger activities total $8 billion in Q4

09 March 2020

About $US5.18 billion in non-life merger and acquisition deals were made in the fourth quarter last year, according to research and consulting group GlobalData…

UK storm losses set to rise to $730 million

09 March 2020

Insurers in the UK will probably pay about £363 million in claims for damages caused by Storms Ciara and Dennis, the Association of British Insurers has estimated…

#MeToo movement adds to D&O insurers’ challenges

02 March 2020

The #MeToo movement and other social media-driven campaigns to expose alleged sexual misconduct are adding to the already significant risk exposures facing directors’ and officers’ insurers, according to AM Best...

Aon President set to appoint regional CEOs

02 March 2020

Aon’s Eric Andersen has been confirmed as the global firm’s sole president, taking up an expanded role that will include the appointment of regional CEOs as part of leadership structure changes...