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Ship piracy insurance skyrocketing

01 December 2008

Overseas reports show insurance costs for merchant ships navigating the piracy-prone area around Somalia have risen significantly as yet more ships are hijacked...

Insurers remain unscathed from credit crunch

01 December 2008

Insurers have remained largely unscathed from the problems facing the financial services industry, despite being major players in the financial market, says a report by Swiss-based…

Axa cuts profit forecast

01 December 2008

Axa has cut a full-year profit forecast and says a continued economic downturn may render a long-term growth target obsolete...

Reinsurer’s rates predicted to rise

01 December 2008

While reinsurers have built up excess amounts of capital during two successive years of record profitability, they will now start to feel the crunch from catastrophe losses…

It tried going Dutch, now Aegon wants a US handout

24 November 2008

Aegon has asked the US Government for more than $US1 billion ($1.57 billion) in funds, less than a month after receiving €3 billion ($5.9 billion) in capital from the Dutch Government...

Sharp decline in US insurers’ results

24 November 2008

The US property and casualty insurance industry watched profit plunge 77% during the first nine months of the year, according to a report by Fitch Ratings...

California fires top $US500 million in losses

24 November 2008

California-based catastrophe modeller Eqecat has estimated property losses from this month’s three California wildfires to top $US500 million ($780 million)...

RSA unveils new business segment

24 November 2008

British-based general insurer RSA has unveiled three new business units to operate under its commercial division in response to feedback from brokers...

AIG pays to keep staff

24 November 2008

AIG will pay employees $US500 million ($780 million) of earned but deferred pay under a voluntary salary plan to keep them from quitting the company...

Europeans likely to delay Solvency II implementation

24 November 2008

Implementation of Solvency II regulations across Europe is likely to be delayed until 2013, with participating nations unlikely to be prepared in time for the original date of inception...

… as it records a record loss

17 November 2008

AIG reported a $US24.47 billion ($38.27 billion) net loss for the third quarter, compared to a profit of $US3.09 billion ($4.8 billion) for the third quarter of last year...

Zurich profit plummets

17 November 2008

Zurich Financial Services has reported a 90% drop in profit for the third quarter due to the financial crisis and an expensive US hurricane season...

Bank drags Allianz down

17 November 2008

Allianz may have finally sold Dresdner Bank, but losses from the bank have forced the German insurer to abandon forecast earnings for its life insurance and asset management businesses...

Hurricanes batter Liberty Mutual earnings

17 November 2008

A $US697 million ($1.08 billion) liability from Hurricanes Ike and Gustav has blown a hole in third-quarter earnings at Liberty Mutual Group, with the insurer haemorrhaging 98.5% of…

UK seeks future vision for insurance

17 November 2008

The British Government has set up a new industry group to focus on the long-term needs of the insurance and investment industry...