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D&O rates shoot higher in the UK

Broker Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT) has foreshadowed rises of between 10% and 40% in UK directors’ and officers’ liability (D&O) insurance premiums following tough reinsurance renewals this year.

Following and excess markets are also becoming more selective about the insurers they are prepared to follow.

JLT’s London-based Head of D&O Liability, Michael Lea, is warning commercial clients to expect a much more intrusive underwriting process when it comes to renewing D&O policies.

“We are seeing indications already that D&O insurance premiums for large financial institutions and firms exposed to the property market are up almost 40%,” he said. “For other sectors the starting point is flat to 10% increases even on better performing companies.”

But he says the news isn’t all bad.
“Unlike the hard market of the mid-1980s there is still plenty of D&O insurance capacity with placements of $US300 million ($468 million) and more available at competitive terms, and there is no sign of insurers looking to impose coverage restrictions,” Mr Lea said.

D&O rates are expected to climb worldwide as litigation follows instability in international equity markets.