German investors sue ratings agencies
15 June 2010
A group of German investors are planning to sue three global ratings agencies after losing their investments in top-rated Lehman Brothers shares…
15 June 2010
A group of German investors are planning to sue three global ratings agencies after losing their investments in top-rated Lehman Brothers shares…
07 June 2010
International counter-terrorism efforts have reduced the ability of terrorist groups to mount large-scale attacks but have not been enough to downgrade the risk…
07 June 2010
The latest attempt by BP to halt the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico has struck further difficulties as clean-up and recovery costs reach $1.17 billion…
07 June 2010
Property and liability premiums for drilling platforms have risen sharply in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, according to Moody’s Investors Service…
07 June 2010
US reinsurers have taken a battering this year, with their combined ratio declining from 95.5% in the first quarter of last year to 102.2% this year…
07 June 2010
Moody’s Investors Service has maintained a negative outlook on AIG following termination of the proposed life insurance division sale to Prudential…
31 May 2010
An active forecast Atlantic hurricane season threatens to erode profitability for global insurers already beset by a surge in natural catastrophes during the first quarter…
31 May 2010
A group of insurers and Lloyd’s syndicates have launched legal proceedings against BP to block the oil and gas giant claiming on a $US700 million ($848 million) accident policy…
31 May 2010
New York insurance brokers have taken legal action to halt a new state regulation requiring them to disclose to clients how insurance companies compensate them…
31 May 2010
Troubled US insurer AIG copped further criticism at a Congressional Oversight Panel last week, despite assurances that it will pay back its debt to the US Government in full…
31 May 2010
US premium rates are forecast to remain flat this year despite pressure from higher claims costs, Aon research has found…
31 May 2010
A New York-based diamond trader is suing its insurers after a diamond shipment worth $US140 million ($170 million) went missing…
24 May 2010
Lloyd’s has been given permission to write direct insurance in China – a move being hailed by the London-based market for the opportunities it presents…
24 May 2010
Efforts to contain the Gulf of Mexico oil leak are finally showing signs of success, with operator BP announcing nearly half the oil spewing from a ruptured well is being captured…
24 May 2010
Lloyd’s CEO Richard Ward says this year’s early onset of natural catastrophes does not auger well for industry profitability…
24 May 2010
Insurance company risk managers need to stand up and be counted in the wake of the global financial crisis, according to global reinsurer Swiss Re…
24 May 2010
French trade credit insurer Coface has reported a net profit of €15 million ($22.25 million) for the first quarter of this year, up from a loss of €37 million ($55 million) for the same period…
24 May 2010
US insurers say they have seen a 46% rise in the number of staged accident claims in the past two years…
17 May 2010
French trade credit insurer Coface has raised its world growth forecast for this year to 3% on the back of improving risk ratings in a number of countries…
17 May 2010
The three companies involved in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill have blamed each other for the catastrophic explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig…