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Irish insurer placed in administration

12 April 2010

Irish insurer Quinn Insurance has been placed into administration following a High Court application by the Irish Financial Regulator…

Hurricane activity up in 2010

12 April 2010

Hurricane activity in the Atlantic basin is predicted to be above average this season, according to researchers from Colorado State University…

Marsh bans contingent commissions

29 March 2010

Global broker Marsh has announced it will not accept contingent commissions within its core US broking business, despite a ruling that allows it to do so…

Greenberg agrees to sell most AIG shares

29 March 2010

Former AIG Chairman and CEO Maurice Greenberg has agreed to sell most of the AIG shares under his control in a deal worth at least $US278.2 million ($303.1 million…

AIG executive quits on pay caps

29 March 2010

Pay caps imposed by the US Government on America’s top companies are not causing an exodus of staff, the US Treasury says…

US commercial premiums flat in Q4

22 March 2010

Heavy competition continued to keep US commercial insurance rates flat during the fourth quarter, according to global financial services firm Towers Watson…

UK backs down on dog attack cover

22 March 2010

British dog owners have been spared the prospect of compulsory third party insurance covering attacks by their animals…

AIG unloads life insurance to MetLife

15 March 2010

The fire sale of AIG assets has accelerated with the divestment of the American insurer’s life arm for $US15.5 billion ($16.9 billion)…

UK declares a higher bar for industry

15 March 2010

Britain’s Chartered Insurance Institute has launched a project called the Aldermanbury Declaration, aimed at improving professional standards for general insurers…

Chile quake losses could top $11 billion

15 March 2010

Insured losses from the devastating Chilean earthquake are expected to reach between $US4-10 billion ($4.4-11 billion), according to reinsurers…