ICA joins global federation
15 October 2012
International trade bodies including the Insurance Council of Australia have joined forces to create the Global Federation of Insurance Associations…
15 October 2012
International trade bodies including the Insurance Council of Australia have joined forces to create the Global Federation of Insurance Associations…
15 October 2012
The American Insurance Association fears the ComFrame working draft is being interpreted as a new layer of prudential supervision…
15 October 2012
Bermuda is becoming a centre of the global insurance-linked securities and special purpose insurer (SPI) business, according to the local regulator…
15 October 2012
The Royal Bank of Scotland has raised £787 million ($1.2 billion) from the initial public offering of its insurance unit Direct Line, according to reports…
15 October 2012
AIA Group has bought ING’s Malaysian life business for $US1.73 billion ($1.64 billion)…
15 October 2012
Ratings agency AM Best says the Chinese insurance market is in a “state of transition”…
15 October 2012
The European insurance regulator has called for a “clear and credible” timetable for implementing the Solvency II rules…
15 October 2012
Aon Risk Solutions has formed a risk-pooling practice to provide comprehensive property, casualty and employee benefits products for organisations involved in group purchasing…
15 October 2012
UK Financial Services Authority Chairman Adair Turner has admitted numerous regulatory shortcomings in the organisation and praised the “twin peaks” model to be introduced next year…
08 October 2012
Global insurance prices continued to rise in the third quarter of this year, according to the Marsh Risk Management Global Insurance Index…
08 October 2012
The worldwide insurance industry has been resilient in the face of the global financial crisis and last year’s catastrophes, according to the International Association of Insurance Supervisors…
08 October 2012
Floods have become “one of the costliest perils across the globe”, according to Aon Benfield’s Global Catastrophe Recap for last month…
08 October 2012
Regulators are investigating the UK car insurance market amid concerns it is “not working well for motorists”…
08 October 2012
An investor group led by private equity firm CVC Capital Partners has taken a majority stake in global loss adjuster Cunningham Lindsey…
08 October 2012
US property/casualty insurers’ net income more than tripled to $US16.4 billion ($16 billion) in the first half of this year, as natural catastrophes eased…
08 October 2012
Munich Re has called on China to set up a catastrophe protection body similar to New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission…
08 October 2012
US property and casualty rates rose 5% last month, the same as in August, according to information exchange MarketScout…
08 October 2012
Moody’s Investors Services has backed the financial strength of Munich Re and affirmed an Aa3 rating for the overall group, its US non-life reinsurance subsidiary and its German life subsidiaries…
01 October 2012
Large earthquakes can trigger smaller ones globally for up to a week, according to US research that could prompt changes in catastrophe modelling…
01 October 2012
A European Union sexual discrimination ruling will see premium pricing change in the UK by the end of the year, according to the Association of British Insurers…