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Smartphone app rates driver safety

Self-professed “good drivers” can now put their skills to the test, with a smartphone application developed by UK insurer Aviva.

The Drive tool for Android phones was launched this month. It uses GPS tracking to monitor a driver’s performance, then gives a score that can be used to earn car insurance discounts.

An iPhone-compatible app will be released shortly.

While apps testing driver skill are already available, Aviva’s is believed to be the first linking ability to insurance premiums.

After monitoring acceleration, braking and cornering over 321km, the application provides a mark out of 10. Any score above 3.1 earns a discount, while 7.1 or above could be worth up to 20% off the cost of cover.

People can take the test once a year and bad drivers will not incur harsher rates.

Aviva Retail Director Steve Treloar says the app also includes safety tips and social network plug-ins. Drivers can earn “badges” for fuel efficiency, safe cornering and frequent driving.

“Our test phase showed the average driving score was 5.6 and women are less likely to download and use the app than men,” Mr Treloar said.