
PSC swoops for Lloyd's brokerage

25 July 2019

PSC Insurance Group has agreed to buy London-based Lloyd’s broker Paragon International for a base consideration of £42 million ($75.2 million), the listed brokerage announced today...

Steadfast merges three SA brokers

23 July 2019

Steadfast is combining three well-known SA brokerage names into a new business, as the network continues to encourage regional mergers...

Insurers renew push for no-fault CTP scheme

23 July 2019

A no-fault compulsory third party (CTP) scheme is what Queensland needs if the state is to put a stop to the widespread practice of “claim farming”, a parliamentary committee has heard...

QBE takes $85 million hit from UK rate change

19 July 2019

QBE has warned a smaller-than-expected change in the interest rate used in UK personal injury calculations will have a $US60 million ($85 million) impact on claims liabilities...

Property, liability rates on the rise

19 July 2019

Catastrophe-exposed property premiums in Australia are rising 10-20% while general liability rates are also increasing strongly in some parts of the market, Willis Towers Watson’s July update says...

Building crisis: ICA calls for end to ‘blame game’

18 July 2019

The Insurance Council of Australia has today called for swift further action to restore confidence in the troubled building industry, after federal and state ministers pledged to work together to deal with the professional indemnity insurance impasse...

ASIC to ban insurance ‘product peddlers’

18 July 2019

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is set to ban unsolicited telephone sales of consumer credit insurance and life cover ahead of wider anti-hawking reforms...

360 builds construction presence with acquisition

18 July 2019

360 Underwriting Solutions, the agency set up by former senior Allianz executives Denis Morrissey and Chris Lynch, has acquired a 50% stake in online insurance underwriting agency eSentry, adding construction capability to a rapidly expanding portfolio...

APRA to sharpen focus on insurance, culture

17 July 2019

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is set to create an insurance division as part of a proposed overhaul that will also sharpen its focus on governance and cultural issues...

Allianz ordered to pay ex-manager $1.4 million

17 July 2019

A NSW court has ruled Allianz must pay $1.39 million in damages plus interest to a former manager who alleged he was a victim of bullying and harassment from his immediate supervisor...

IAG buys into car subscription service

16 July 2019

IAG has acquired a majority stake in car subscription and trading platform Carbar after participating with other investors in a $16.8 million capital raising...