
Cyber rates rising as risks increase: Marsh

27 January 2021

Insurers have reduced cyber capacity limits on single risks while premium rises are set to continue after gains of 15-20% in Australia last year as demand for cover accelerates, Marsh says...

SME premiums almost flat, BizCover index shows

27 January 2021

SME insurance specialist BizCover says premiums of business policies sold through its online platform have hardly increased, contrary to what is being reported in the broader market...

January hailstorm losses rise to nearly $1.9 billion

25 January 2021

Catastrophe data company Perils has finalised its overall loss estimate of several hailstorms that hit the eastern states in January last year, raising the value of claims accepted by insurers to $1.89 billion...

Nexus joins Insurance Advisernet

22 January 2021

Nexus Risk Services will join Insurance Advisernet under an arrangement agreed by the two Austbroker equity partners...

Businesses forced to close as 'insurance crisis' worsens

22 January 2021

A growing number of businesses are being forced to shutter because they can’t get public liability insurance which is mandatory for many of the industries they operate in, according to Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell...

NIBA presses ASIC for retail advice reform

21 January 2021

The National Insurance Brokers Association has proposed meeting with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, insurers and consumer representatives to discuss changes that could help retail clients access advice...

M&A rates set to rise as appetite for deals hots up

21 January 2021

Rates for mergers and acquisitions-related risk products are set to increase after corporate appetite for business expansion was dented last year because of the pandemic, Gallagher says in a report...

AUB sells Altius in health and rehab exit

20 January 2021

AUB Group has agreed to sell its holding in Altius to the Riverside Company for net cash proceeds of about $57 million, completing its exit from health and rehabilitation services...