
Land use planning failing on flood risk: ICA report

05 May 2022

Land use planning is failing to protect properties from riverine and flash flooding after high intensity rainfall, as risks are underestimated despite the events representing one of the nation’s costliest extreme weather impacts, a research report released today by the Insurance Council of Australia says...

More flood disputes rolling in: AFCA

04 May 2022

Disputes from the NSW/Queensland floods have risen to 135, with insurance-related claims matters accounting for the majority of cases, an update today from the Australian Financial Complaints Authority shows...

Insurer loses pre-existing conditions dispute over Daisy the dog

04 May 2022

A dog owner has been awarded cover for six of seven of the pet’s medical problems during a claim dispute hearing, with the industry adjudicator ruling conditions that arise and are treated during a policy waiting period are not always pre-existing...

Lismore acts to avoid 'endlessly repeating' floods heartbreak

03 May 2022

Lismore City Council has proposed “a planned retreat” from high-risk residential areas, government-backed reinsurance protection for the central business district and consideration of a new commercial precinct as it seeks to avoid a repeating cycle of flooding devastation...

Strong inflationary pressures fanning claim headwinds

29 April 2022

Property and casualty insurers face profitability pressures this year as inflation increases claims severity while benefits from higher interest rates will take longer to come through, Swiss Re says in a report on the global economy...

Bushfire Building Council launches resilient home project

28 April 2022

An NRMA Insurance-backed project aimed at improving the resilience of homes against floods, bushfires and other weather disasters has been launched, offering free architectural drawings, construction specifications and handbook guides...

ProRisk offers covid cash-benefit insurance

28 April 2022

Professional Risk Underwriting (ProRisk) has launched a covid insurance product that offers a one-off cash benefit if a fully vaccinated policyholder is hospitalised due to contracting the virus...

Rare flood-causing storm cluster points to overlap risks

27 April 2022

A Risk Frontiers paper says the cluster of storms causing extreme rainfall and flooding in Queensland and NSW arose from a rare combination of influences, while warning of severe risks if changing climate patterns lead to greater overlap between tropical cyclones and east coast lows...