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Expenses come into focus at QBE

16 April 2012

Incoming QBE Group CEO John Neal has signalled a leaner and meaner company with an increased focus on containing expenses when he takes over the reins of Australia’s largest insurer from Frank O’Halloran…

IAG cleared to buy Kurnia

16 April 2012

IAG has conditionally agreed to acquire Malaysian insurer Kurnia after receiving regulatory approval, giving it a leading position in the Malaysian motor insurance market…

Calliden sees rates heading up

16 April 2012

Calliden is achieving significant premium increases in home insurance and strata this year, CEO Nick Kirk says…

IAG completes AMI takeover

16 April 2012

IAG has completed its takeover of Christchurch-based insurer AMI after the Reserve Bank of New Zealand approved the deal…

Insured Group flags ASX listing

16 April 2012

Perth-based Insured Group plans to raise $2.25 million and list on the Australian Stock Exchange while delisting from the New Zealand exchange…

Ansvar switches ratings agencies

16 April 2012

Ansvar Insurance has pulled out of Standard & Poor’s latest outlook report after the ratings agency gave it a BBB+ rating with a stable outlook…

Lockton forms global group

16 April 2012

Global broker group Lockton has created a more formal relationship with its brokers, which includes Perth and Sydney-based Australian Reliance…

Crombie Lockwood buys another brokerage

02 April 2012

Wesfarmers Insurance has signed an agreement for its New Zealand brokerage Crombie Lockwood to acquire the business of ACM Insurances Limited, trading as ACM Ahlers…

Suncorp wins consumer award

02 April 2012

Suncorp has been awarded the title of best home, contents and motor insurer for 2012 by consumer group Choice…

QBE raises another $150 million

02 April 2012

QBE’s $150 million retail capital raising has been oversubscribed and the allocation to shareholders will be scaled back…

AM Best downgrades Ansvar NZ run-off operator

02 April 2012

Ratings agency AM Best has downgraded the financial strength rating of Ansvar New Zealand’s run-off operator ACS to B+ (Good) from B++ (Good) and its issuer credit rating to “bbb-” from “bbb”…

Cunningham Lindsey for sale

26 March 2012

Major global loss adjuster Cunningham Lindsey is likely to be sold this year after its two leading private equity owners decided to realise profits…