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Fagen defends QBE’s improvement program

18 March 2013

QBE CEO Australia and New Zealand Colin Fagen says changes taking place in the group’s Australian business must be seen in the context of a global program designed to enhance its effectiveness…

Ebix spends on acquisitions

18 March 2013

Software provider Ebix’s net income dropped 1% to $US70.6 million ($68 million) last year as it made acquisitions around the world…

NTI launches enhanced CPE cover

18 March 2013

National Transport Insurance says it has enhanced its policies to meet the needs of Australian civil and earthmoving consumers…

Herbert Insurance receivership ends

18 March 2013

The receivership of failed New Zealand company Herbert Insurance has ended two years after it began, with secured creditor ASB Bank owed $NZ595,000 ($476,725)…

QBE Melbourne jobs set to go amid protest

11 March 2013

Around 100 workers in QBE’s Melbourne office were expected to be notified last week they would be affected by the company’s offshoring plans, understands…

QBE staff cuts begin as silence creates confusion

04 March 2013

Up to 150 staff from QBE’s Sydney operations have been notified that they won’t have jobs “within six months” a source has told, while the company will this week advise its Melbourne…

Calliden returns to profit

04 March 2013

Niche insurer Calliden has returned to profitability, driven by a new business model and fewer claims from natural disasters…

Genworth grows Australian profit

04 March 2013

Genworth Australia’s mortgage insurance operating profit grew to $US62 million ($60.36 million) in the fourth quarter of last year, up 15.5% from $US54 million ($52.57 million)…