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Gibbscorp teams up with financial planner

Insurance Advisernet Australia’s (IAA) largest corporate authorised representative, Gibbscorp, has merged with financial planning group Total Capital Management (TCM).

Although Gibbscorp is based in Perth and TCM in Newcastle “there is a natural tie-up” between the companies, according to IAA MD Adrian Kitchin.

Former Willis WA GM Bryan Leibbrandt will join Gibbscorp as MD; his brother Craig runs TCM.

The merger will present Gibbscorp with expansion opportunities and allow TCM to offer more services to clients, Mr Kitchin told

“This gives the combined entity a lot more scale and a really sound platform for the future.”

Gibbscorp will open a new general insurance operation in Newcastle, with plans to expand into Singapore.

“Some opportunities are arising in Singapore out of our existing client base,” Mr Kitchin said.

“There are active discussions as to how that might move forward.”

When Bryan Leibbrandt joins Gibbscorp, current MD Peter Gibbs will become Executive Chairman.

The appointment is part of a strategy to recruit almost exclusively from the “big four internationals”, according to IAA.

“It is certainly a coup from our perspective, but it is also an opportunity for Bryan to continue to build his career,” Mr Kitchin said.

IAA already has a financial planning division, and more mergers of this type are envisaged.