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IAG sharpens its focus on post-repair checks

IAG says it is concentrating more on automotive post-repair inspections and critical repairs as part of its program to monitor and assess standards across its national motor and property networks.

The insurer conducted more than 218,600 auto inspections in the five years ending June last year, it says in its seventh Quality Report.

“Our review of that data highlighted that certain types of damage presented issues more often and were more likely to be identified once a repair was completed,” EGM Short-Tail Claims Luke Gallagher said.

The five-year auto data shows that quality inspections represented 11.63% of authorised repairs and that 11,494 issues were logged. The number of potential safety issues totalled 198.

On the property side, more than 29,000 inspections were completed last financial year and in the past 24 months the framework has been expanded to contents claims and non-structural repairs.

IAG says quality issues were identified in 1.69% of authorised property repairs and potential safety issues in 0.05% of repairs.

The insurer completed 5478 drone assessments of property damage in the past year in partnership with AirAssess.

IAG says the advantages of the drone technology include increased safety and faster assessment, particularly after major events such as bushfires or floods.

The Quality Report says 13,833 subcontractors and trades have completed IAG’s work health and safety training program.