When the going gets tough...
29 February 2016
The general insurance market continues to be a tricky place to operate, but Australia’s listed insurers and broker cluster groups appear to be rising to the challenge…
29 February 2016
The general insurance market continues to be a tricky place to operate, but Australia’s listed insurers and broker cluster groups appear to be rising to the challenge…
22 February 2016
Bushfires are an indelible part of the Australian environment…
15 February 2016
Any hope that the new year would bring a change in fortunes for depressed renewal rates quickly evaporated when the crucial January treaties were finalised…
08 February 2016
Nobody likes a faltering economy, but business and professional associations have a particular dread of slowing trading conditions and shaky confidence…
01 February 2016
Last year was extremely tough for Australian general insurers – and this one won’t exactly be a walk in the park…
14 December 2015
As a challenging and eventful year draws to a close, insurance industry leaders will go to their annual breaks with Christmas wish lists full of gifts to help make 2016 a little less challenging and eventful…
07 December 2015
Telling consumers exactly what their policy covers them for, and what it doesn’t, seemed like such a good idea when it was first mooted in 2001…
30 November 2015
It may not feel like it in the current market, but the future for insurance premium growth is bright…
23 November 2015
The agreement on broker education between the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance and the National Insurance Brokers Association was a long time coming…
16 November 2015
Buckle up and sit tight. That may well be the mantra for insurers in Australia as they brace for what could be another challenging year ahead…
09 November 2015
By rights, insurance-based taxes in Australia should be long gone…
02 November 2015
It has been a tough year for Australian general insurers, and it’s not about to get any easier…
26 October 2015
Last month the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Co-operative Research Centre predicted a severe bushfire season for much of southern Australia, as the effects of El Nino are combined with a long-term rainfall deficit…
19 October 2015
Insurance broking is in the midst of a major transformation, with intense competition and digital technology forcing businesses to adapt at a furious pace…
12 October 2015
Submissions to the Northern Australia Insurance Premiums Taskforce on insurance options in the region are a mixed bag, with plenty of opinions proffered from a variety of stakeholders…
05 October 2015
Assessing the cost of cyber breaches is arguably the toughest task insurers have on their hands right now…
28 September 2015
The issue of high insurance premiums in north Queensland has been bubbling away for several years, with solutions canvassed by the Federal Government ranging from expensive but harmless (a comparator website) to downright dangerous (admitting unlicensed foreign insurers into the market)…
21 September 2015
It seems nobody dares say it too loudly, but there was whispered talk of better times ahead at the Reinsurance Rendezvous in Monte Carlo…
14 September 2015
All authorised representatives are not created equal, and many brokers believe the time is coming when the industry regulator will have to sort out a muddle over exactly what an insurance broker is…
07 September 2015
Premium funding is a crucial cog in the workings of the insurance industry that deserves much more attention…