The Broker

Vero SME Index to provide new insights

17 March 2022

The latest edition of the Vero SME Index, now in its eleventh year, will be released later this afternoon, offering insights into insurance purchasing behaviour and perceptions of brokers and the industry...

Broker profile: people person fits right in

17 March 2022

People person Laura Meyer, Director at Meyer Insure, pictured, says helping clients was a natural fit and you don’t need a navy suit and tie to be a premier insurance broker...

Brokers brace for flood fall-out as catastrophe worsens

03 March 2022

Brokers in Queensland and NSW are fielding calls about cover terms, trying to beat the claim-lodgment rush and even rolling up their sleeves to help move furniture after catastrophic floods struck the region this week...

Half-time score: broking networks steam ahead

03 March 2022

Australia’s three leading listed broking networks – Steadfast Group, AUB Group and PSC Insurance Group – are riding a wave of confidence as they revise upwards their guidance for this financial year, buoyed by how their businesses have performed in the December half...

New code: brokers can be named for breaches

03 March 2022

The new Insurance Brokers Code of Practice has been launched with a ban on preferential remuneration, increased disclosure requirements and an obligation to identify and support vulnerable clients...

Doubts cast over promoted cyclone pool benefits

17 February 2022

Details released to date on the cyclone reinsurance pool cast doubts on its potential to deliver promoted savings while underwriters may remain unwilling to become involved in the market, North Queensland Insurance Brokers Director Ron Bellert says...