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Regulatory & Government

Insurers make up 20% of product breaches

01 October 2018

General insurance and life insurance caused 20% of financial services product breaches, according to an Australian Securities and Investments Commission report on breach reporting obligations…

ACT moves closer to new CTP scheme

24 September 2018

The ACT Government has released an exposure draft bill for a new no-fault compulsory third party insurance scheme selected by a citizen’s jury earlier in the year…

ASIC Deputy Chairman Peter Kell resigns

24 September 2018

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Deputy Chairman Peter Kell, who has taken a high profile on insurance issues, has resigned after seven years with the regulator…

ASIC urges improved climate risk disclosures

24 September 2018

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has urged listed companies to lift their game on climate risk disclosures after finding the information provided is often too general to be useful…

APRA gets second deputy chair

24 September 2018

Treasury Deputy Secretary John Lonsdale has been appointed as the second Deputy Chairman of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority…

ASIC powers boosted

24 September 2018

The Federal Government has passed a parliamentary bill that will beef up the power of the corporate regulator…

icare reaches out to rural employers

24 September 2018

Insurance and Care NSW will hold more tailor-made forums in rural areas as part of a wider effort to step up its engagement with regional employers and service providers…

Comcare selects Allianz and GB for claims services

17 September 2018

Commonwealth workers’ compensation scheme Comcare has selected Allianz and Gallagher Basset as third-party claims services providers for the non-corporate federal agencies covered by the scheme…

ASIC vetoes review of class action funders

17 September 2018

The corporate regulator has dismissed “anonymous and anecdotal” stories of companies considering moving offshore because of the rising cost of directors’ and officers’ insurance, saying class action lawsuits blamed for the situation are “critical to protecting shareholders and promoting market integrity”…

AFCA complaints process rules clears ASIC hurdle

17 September 2018

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has approved the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) complaint resolution scheme rules and independent assessor terms of reference…

Help restore trust, ASIC tells brokers

10 September 2018

Insurance brokers caught up in the wider fallout of the Hayne royal commission should stop feeling sorry for themselves and help fix the problem, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission says…

Act on exec pay to rebuild trust: APRA

10 September 2018

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Chairman Wayne Byres has urged chief risk officers to play a greater role driving executive pay reform…