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Regulatory & Government

Insurers wary of changes to corporate criminal responsibility

24 February 2020

Proposed changes to the corporate criminal responsibility regime could "add complexity to individual liability" in areas where the Banking Executive Accountability Regime applies, the Insurance Council of Australia has warned in a submission...

RACQ steps up push for CTP reforms

17 February 2020

RACQ held a citizens’ jury in Brisbane over the weekend as part of its public campaign to push for reforms to the compulsory third party (CTP) scheme in Queensland...

ICA makes case for milder compo scheme

17 February 2020

The Insurance Council of Australia has called for the design of the proposed compensation scheme of last resort to include financial services that are not solely provided by prudentially regulated firms...

MPs set April date for insurance scrutiny

10 February 2020

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics will scrutinise the insurance sector over two days of hearings in April as part of its ongoing review of financial institutions...

Compo scheme should extend to PI, says AFCA

10 February 2020

Having successfully landed management of the Government’s proposed industry-funded compensation scheme of last resort, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority is now calling for professional indemnity insurance customers to also be able to use it...

Terrorism pool ups retrocession cover

10 February 2020

The Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation has renewed its retrocession reinsurance program for this year at $3.45 billion, up slightly from $3.315 billion last year...

Claims-handling legislation confuses brokers, insurers

03 February 2020

The National Insurance Brokers Association and the Insurance Council of Australia are calling for clarification on new claims-handling legislation due to concerns about how it will be applied in practice...