Rule change to avert ‘opportunistic’ class actions extended
28 September 2020
Temporary rule changes to prevent opportunistic class actions over stock exchange disclosures during the coronavirus pandemic have been extended by six months...
28 September 2020
Temporary rule changes to prevent opportunistic class actions over stock exchange disclosures during the coronavirus pandemic have been extended by six months...
28 September 2020
The SA Parliamentary Economic and Finance Committee has made 11 proposals aimed at improving the state’s motor vehicle insurance and repair sector...
28 September 2020
The WA Government plans to introduce new legislation that will close a loophole allowing so-called phoenix builders to declare bankruptcy and start in the industry again under a new business name...
28 September 2020
NSW state insurer icare says the adverse impact of the coronavirus outbreak on return-to-work rates is likely to continue over the coming months...
28 September 2020
The latest update from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission reveals progress in enforcement action in the first half, including significant civil penalties imposed against large financial institutions such as AMP...
21 September 2020
The Federal Court has again struck down an application by class action plaintiffs to access confidential insurance documents held by a respondent...
21 September 2020
The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements will hold its final hearings this week, with executives from IAG, Risk Frontiers and the CSIRO scheduled to appear...
21 September 2020
New Zealand’s Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme received 3922 enquiries and investigated 282 complaints last year, according to its latest Annual Report...
21 September 2020
An updated agreement between two major regulators is expected to bring greater clarity and increased information-sharing to Australia’s financial services regulatory system...
21 September 2020
Moody’s Investors Service has described as “credit positive” the move by financial institutions including insurers to launch new voluntary guidelines for measuring the financial impacts of climate risks...
14 September 2020
Insurance industry representatives have welcomed an Australian Law Reform Commission review of financial services regulation legislation...
14 September 2020
The icare Nominal Insurer workers’ compensation scheme had a net loss of $1.873 billion last financial year, Treasury Deputy Secretary Phil Gardner told a NSW Parliamentary committee last week...
14 September 2020
Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation has released new research highlighting the economic risks faced due to a cyber protection gap which it hopes will influence next year’s review of the Terrorism Insurance Act...
14 September 2020
Australian and global insurers have joined forces with major banks and scientists to establish a set of guidelines to measure the impact of climate change on domestic assets such as properties, buildings and infrastructure...
14 September 2020
The National Insurance Brokers Association has launched a NSW Emergency Services Levy Hub, ramping up the industry’s efforts to have the contentious tax removed...
14 September 2020
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand will resume its review of the Insurance Act and associated Solvency Standard next month...
07 September 2020
NSW state insurer icare is searching for a Group Executive, Personal Injury following Beth Uehling’s departure, as the organisation braces for further scrutiny...
07 September 2020
The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements has published a series of draft propositions for public consultation before a planned hearing in the week of September 21...
07 September 2020
The National Insurance Brokers Association says reforming insurance taxes and the NSW Emergency Services Levy could give “significant relief” to struggling SMEs...
07 September 2020
New laws to protect NSW apartment owners against defective works came into effect at the start of this month...