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Regulatory & Government

Victorian BWI ‘too expensive, ineffective’

01 June 2015

Builders’ warranty insurance in Victoria is “widely misunderstood, provides only limited protection for consumers and is significantly more costly than it needs to be”, according to the state’s Auditor-General John Doyle…

ASIC grants PDS relief for car dealers

01 June 2015

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has granted Toyota Finance relief from providing product disclosure statements for business insurance for a network of car dealerships…

ASIC seeks comment on class order remakes

01 June 2015

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has proposed remaking three banking and insurance class orders that are due to expire between October this year and October 1 2017…

Treasury consults on funding levies

25 May 2015

Treasury, in conjunction with the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, has begun consultation on financial institution supervisory levies for next financial year…

ICA slams ‘overly conservative’ APRA

25 May 2015

Australia’s onerous regulatory regime is holding back local insurers that want to pursue offshore opportunities, the Insurance Council of Australia says…

Comcare reforms split unions, employers

25 May 2015

The Australian Council of Trade Unions says the planned overhaul of Comcare will discriminate against injured workers, while the country’s biggest employers want the reform passed “in its entirety”…

Canterbury rebuild cost rises

25 May 2015

New Zealand’s Treasury has increased estimated claims costs associated with the Canterbury earthquakes, as rebuilding costs rise…

New Zealand cuts ACC levies further

25 May 2015

The New Zealand Government will cut Accident Compensation Corporation levies this year and next, according to its latest budget…

Queensland gets cash for levees

18 May 2015

The Federal Government has allocated $12 million to the National Insurance Affordability Initiative for the 2015/16 financial year, with all the funds earmarked for Queensland…

WA budget approves no-fault CTP

18 May 2015

A no-fault compulsory third party scheme will be introduced in WA by July next year, the state’s budget has confirmed…

ACC on track to deliver levy cuts

18 May 2015

New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation is on target to deliver levy cuts worth $NZ500 million ($463 million) from next year…