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Regulatory & Government

Canberra consults on ASIC funding model

31 August 2015

The Federal Government is seeking feedback on plans for an industry-funding model for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s regulatory activities…

ASIC remakes financial advice class orders

31 August 2015

ASIC has replaced “sunsetting” class orders regarding product advertising and financial advice with new secondary services and general advice legislative instruments…

Silence on insurance tax reform upsets ICA, NIBA

24 August 2015

Treasurer Joe Hockey’s tax reform workshop with state and territory counterparts last week should have been an ideal opportunity to make progress on the issue of inefficient insurance taxes…

Brokers echo praise for mitigation focus

24 August 2015

Brokers have joined insurers in welcoming the Northern Australia Insurance Premiums Taskforce’s focus on mitigation to tackle affordability concerns…

FOS appoints code manager

24 August 2015

The Financial Ombudsman Service has appointed Sally Davis as GM Code Compliance and Monitoring and CEO of the Code Compliance Monitoring Committee (Code of Banking Practice)…

ICNZ warns of hidden quake danger

17 August 2015

The internal parts of a building can cause death and injury during an earthquake if standards are not complied with, the Insurance Council of New Zealand has warned…

RBNZ to require foreign business report

17 August 2015

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is to request annual supplementary reports of foreign insurance business conducted by New Zealand insurers…

Cyclone mutual isn’t the answer, says Suncorp

10 August 2015

Outgoing Suncorp CEO Patrick Snowball has issued a stark warning to the Queensland and federal governments over proposed measures to tackle insurance affordability in the north of the state…

ARPC chief welcomes terror alert revamp

10 August 2015

The Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation has praised the nation’s new terror alert system, which will result in more information being passed to the public…