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Higher rates drive industry profit

04 March 2019

General insurers and reinsurers achieved a combined 6.2% rise in underwriting profit to $3.5 billion last year, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority data shows…

BOM predicts dry, hot autumn

04 March 2019

Australia can expect a drier-than-average autumn, worsening a drought that is already devastating farmers and country areas…

ICA says ‘hasten slowly’ on Hayne reforms

04 March 2019

Insurance Council of Australia CEO Rob Whelan has warned against rushing to implement Hayne royal commission proposals as the industry faces pressure to respond more quickly to consumer issues…

Banned broker gets jail term

25 February 2019

Former Arthur J Gallagher broker Antonino Gucciardi has been jailed for one year after facing charges brought by WA’s Major Fraud Squad…