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Innovation needed for growth

27 July 2009

Innovation is the way to go as the industry moves through a period of slow growth and tight margins, according to speakers at the Australian Insurance Summit in Sydney on Friday…

Actuaries chief heads to Switzerland

27 July 2009

The search is on for a new CEO at the Institute of Actuaries of Australia following the resignation of John Maroney after three years in the position…

Peter Corrigan award winners named

27 July 2009

Two bright young insurance industry stars have been named winners of the Peter Corrigan International Exchange Awards…

NZ quake damage cost rises

27 July 2009

Damage claims from the powerful earthquake off the southwest coast of NZ on July 15 have risen to 1995, costing an estimated $NZ3.66 million ($2.93 million)…

Financial services keeps inflation low

27 July 2009

As news spread that Australia’s inflation rate picked up in the last quarter – but only slightly – the financial and insurance services sector has been blamed for contributing to the low rate…

Cash settlements reveal Black Saturday dilemma

20 July 2009

Insurers are keen to get as far away from the Black Saturday rebuilding efforts as possible before the extent of underinsurance is revealed, a loss adjusters’ seminar was told last week…

Three insurers stay in home warranty market

20 July 2009

The three remaining builders’ warranty insurers have signalled their intention to take on extra capacity after Lumley Insurance and CGU announced plans to depart the market…

Education is the answer: CGU

20 July 2009

CGU has called for a joint industry/government education program to help tackle underinsurance…

Residents spared as big quake rocks NZ

20 July 2009

A powerful earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale has caused little harm to people or property in the South Island of New Zealand…

Hard market yet to emerge

13 July 2009

An ample supply of capital has delayed the arrival of a hard market, despite rate rises in most general insurance classes, according to a new report…

Second major insurer exits home warranty market

13 July 2009

The privatised home warranty insurance market has been rocked by the withdrawal of CGU, which yesterday become the second insurer in two weeks to announce its exit from the market…

Opportunities arising, says Berkley

13 July 2009

The global property/casualty industry is well situated to take advantage of opportunities arising from the global financial crisis, according to legendary US businessman WR (Bill) Berkley…

Victorian farmers attack insurance taxes

13 July 2009

The Victorian Farmers Federation has weighed into the insurance taxes debate, calling the impost on farmers “a disgrace” and demanding a move to a broad-based funding system…

Oil spill clean-up an insurance nightmare

13 July 2009

Australia’s shipping industry has backed the company involved in the Moreton Bay oil spill in March, hitting out at the Queensland and federal governments over their demand it pay all clean-up costs…