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In Insurance News (the magazine) this month

The risk insurance sector is embracing new technologies at an increasing pace, although not with universal support. The June issue of Insurance News (the magazine) has details on those changes and the issues surrounding them, as well as on how we’re capitalising (slowly) on such innovations as smartphones.

You’ll be inspired by the views of leading women in the risk insurance sector; stirred by our examination of the Federal Government’s abandonment of the insurance taxes issue; and intrigued by what employees really want from their work (and it’s not all about the money).

From interviews and law reports to new products and the industry’s people in pictures, Insurance News (the magazine) leads the field with intelligent journalism and articles that dig deep.

Meet the people and understand the issues with Insurance News (the magazine) – free, frank and sometimes even fun.

The June edition is at the printers and will be with subscribers next week.

If you’re not already one of the 6000-plus professionals who get Insurance News (the magazine) delivered free to their office or home within Australia – overseas subscribers just need to pay postage – you can fix that by clicking on “Update your subscriber profile” at the bottom of your email alert and filling in the relevant information. But don’t delay, the June mailing list will be finalised this week.