Life Insurance
16 September 2019
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is taking insurance sales companies Select AFSL, BlueInc Services, Insurance Marketing Services and director Russell Howden to court for mis-selling insurance policies to vulnerable customers...
16 September 2019
The corporate regulator has suspended the financial services licence of Queensland-based planning business Financial Options so it can put its house in order...
16 September 2019
The Financial Planning Association has applauded the Senate for launching an inquiry into fintech and regtech...
09 September 2019
Plaintiff lawyers Slater and Gordon has filed a class action against Westpac’s BT Funds Management and life insurance business...
09 September 2019
Suncorp Life and Superannuation has completed a remediation program under which it paid $1.43 million in compensation to 4000 clients who received poor advice from its Guardian Advice division...
09 September 2019
The wider insurance industry must take radical steps to fix individual disability income business, a new white paper says...
09 September 2019
S&P Global has confirmed OnePath’s credit and financial ratings as A+ after the agency revised its criteria...
09 September 2019
Ratings agency AM Best has withdrawn its ratings for AIA New Zealand at the insurer’s request, after it switched to rival agency Fitch Ratings...
02 September 2019
Representative bodies of financial advisers and accountants have welcomed the Federal Government’s decision to extend the deadlines for new education requirements...
02 September 2019
The life insurance sector recorded a profit drop in the June quarter of more than 50% compared to the same time last year, according to APRA industry-level statistics...
02 September 2019
A new survey by Metlife has revealed widespread ignorance and distrust about insurance in super, with a lack of awareness about how it works, what it costs, or how to modify it...
02 September 2019
Industry arguments against passing the second insurance in super bill are weak and mostly coming from vested interests, according to Superannuation and Financial Services Minister Jane Hume...
02 September 2019
A “persistent lack of engagement” over superannuation has made it difficult for the life industry to achieve its objective of convincing fund members to keep their life cover, a survey says...
02 September 2019
ClearView has recorded a net profit after tax of only $4 million after higher than expected life insurance claims and lapse rates and “extremely challenging” market conditions...
02 September 2019
Financial advisers who trained as Certified Financial Planners prior to 2003 will have their coursework recognised by the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority, the Financial Planning Association says...
02 September 2019
The Association of Financial Advisers has awarded several advisers for excellence across advice, education, and female leadership at the AFA Conference...
02 September 2019
The Financial Planning Association line-up of experts speaking at the FPA Congress in November are intended to inspire delegates to embrace the changes happening in the industry...
26 August 2019
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has signed a joint cooperation agreement with insurer AIA to progress the sale of CommInsure Life, at a $150 million discount from its original price...
26 August 2019
Thirty-five per cent of super fund members who were aware of legislative changes to insurance in super chose to keep their life insurance, new research shows...
26 August 2019
Significantly higher numbers of people who receive financial advice regularly check that their insurance arrangements still meet their needs, a survey finds...