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Life Insurance

FSC ‘shares’ industry concerns over possible UCT impacts

29 March 2021

The Financial Services Council says it has been working with its members to “better understand the full implications including unintended ones” from unfair contract terms laws when they apply to insurance contracts next month...

MetLife introduces product changes

29 March 2021

MetLife Australia announced today it will offer a three-year rate guarantee for all lump sum retail products as part of a number of changes being made to its offerings...

TAL wins top award for fourth straight year

22 March 2021

TAL has been named the Association of Financial Advisers’ life company of the year for the fourth time in a row, beating AIA Australia, MLC Life Insurance and NEOS...

ClearView announces digital overhaul with Oracle platform

22 March 2021

ClearView Wealth has advanced its efforts to modernise systems with the selection of Oracle Insurance Policy Administration, which it says will improve efficiency, meet new regulatory requirements, reduce costs and improve the employee and customer experience...

APRA warns of ‘concerning developments’ in group life insurance

15 March 2021

The prudential regulator has issued a warning letter to life insurers and superannuation funds, expressing alarm over a “re-emergence of some concerning developments” in group life insurance that could potentially affect the sustainability of the product and lead to other adverse outcomes...

New NZ advice regime begins

15 March 2021

New laws governing the New Zealand financial advice sector take effect today, nearly five years after the reforms were first mooted, which started with a review of the Financial Advisers Act 2008...

AIA Group’s key markets set for business rebound: S&P

15 March 2021

Hong Kong-listed AIA Group, the parent company of AIA Australia, has the capital strengths and resilient operating performance to help the business absorb continued progressive dividends, S&P Global Ratings said today in a bulletin note...

MetLife Australia hires former NSW premier Nathan Rees

15 March 2021

MetLife Australia has appointed Nathan Rees as Head of External Affairs & Public Policy to work with government and regulators and review proposed legislative change for the life insurance industry in Australia...