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Life Insurance

Life premium totals rise

24 April 2007

Australian life insurance premiums for the December quarter last year stood at $9.4 billion, representing an increase of 1.3% on the prior quarter and a 2.7% increase on…

More Aussies invest in life insurance

24 April 2007

Private research has backed up the bullish official results for the life insurance market, with actuaries Plan for Life saying Australians are increasingly investing in personal insurance…

APRA appeals to go straight to court

17 April 2007

The Federal Government has decided to introduce a court-based review process for individuals disqualified by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority…

New regulatory office, and a review

17 April 2007

Just when you thought the Federal Government might be losing interest in regulating everything that moves in the financial services sector comes news that Canberra has set up…

Red tape reduction continues

17 April 2007

Federal Treasurer Peter Costello says the Government has made substantial progress over the past nine months in reducing the regulatory burden on business…

Complaints procedures go international

17 April 2007

The Financial Industry Complaints Service is preparing analysis for members on the introduction of international standards on complaints-handling…

Financial planning standard released

17 April 2007

In a bid for more harmony in financial planning benchmarks, Standards Australia has released for public comment AS4559 2007, a new draft standard for personal financial planning…

FPA examines compensation salvation

11 April 2007

The Financial Planning Association has hosted a “think tank” to discuss how investors could be compensated after investment schemes fail…

IFSA launches updated code

11 April 2007

IFSA CEO Richard Gilbert has described the association’s new code of conduct as the “industry equivalent of the 10 commandments…”

FPA probes Westpoint advice

03 April 2007

Nearly 20 dealer groups are under investigation by the Financial Planning Association for allegedly giving clients bad advice involving the Westpoint property group…

Drastic shortage of financial advisers

03 April 2007

Unprecedented demand for financial advice has led to a huge increase in workload for financial advisers, according to the Investment and Financial Services Association…

Advisory council announced

03 April 2007

The insurance industry is well represented on the Federal Government’s Financial Sector Advisory Council following the re-appointment of several members last week…

FPA invites educational input

27 March 2007

The Financial Planning Association aims to bolster the educational content of its national conference in November this year by encouraging presenters to approach the association…

Regulation still a burden: FPA

13 March 2007

Excessive regulation remains a burden on the financial services industry and requires a collaborative effort to untangle, according to the Financial Planning Association…

Baby Boomers have a super future

13 March 2007

They may have been born into a very different world, but the nation’s Baby Boomers are expected to retire into the lap of luxury, according to a new report…

PI exclusions not PC: FPA

06 March 2007

Restrictions on professional indemnity policies are setting up financial planners and their clients for a heavy fall, according to the Financial Planning Association…