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UK flood levees save $2 billion a year

17 June 2019

New modelling shows the UK’s inland flood defences save £1.1 billion in damage every year, the Association of British Insurers says...

Study shows US flood cover ‘disparity’

17 June 2019

About 47% of Americans say flood insurance is important, but only 17% have taken out such cover, a National Association of Insurance Commissioners survey has found...

Ex-spymaster plays down Brexit threat

17 June 2019

Brexit is a “sideshow” and will have minimal impact on the London insurance market, according to the former head of spy agency MI6...

Growth in US cyber premium slows

17 June 2019

US cyber premium grew about 10% to $US2.03 billion last year, slowing compared with the previous two years when expansion exceeded 30%...

RIMS flags drop-off in hurricane numbers

17 June 2019

Early season analysis predicts below-average Atlantic hurricane activity this year thanks to the developing El Nino in the Southern Ocean, the Risk and Insurance Management Society says...

Tornados wreak havoc across US

11 June 2019

Insurers face multibillion-dollar payouts after a prolonged run of storms pushed US tornado numbers to a four-year high in May, according to Aon’s monthly Global Catastrophe Recap…