Back office improvements at Munich Re to help claims settlement
09 September 2019
Munich Re has introduced two new services to improve claims settlement for insurance companies...
09 September 2019
Munich Re has introduced two new services to improve claims settlement for insurance companies...
09 September 2019
Only about a third of executives are confident their risk management teams are prepared to take on future challenges, according to a survey of more than a thousand industry participants...
09 September 2019
Swiss Re and specialist reinsurance broker Capsicum Re have created a new cyber reinsurance solution called Decrypt which they say is the first to help insurers identify and manage their cyber risk exposures as well as meet growing regulatory and internal requirements...
09 September 2019
David Priebe, the Vice Chairman of diversified reinsurance broker Guy Carpenter, has been appointed Chairman with immediate effect...
02 September 2019
Hurricane Dorian has hit the Bahamas as one of the strongest Atlantic storms on record and will threaten Florida and other eastern US states as it tracks up the coastline this week...
02 September 2019
A preacher, a rock guitarist pensioner and an award-winning hotelier were among the British insurance cheats exposed last year...
02 September 2019
Climate change is causing more frequent and intense flooding in northern Europe and the worldwide annual bill from flood damage, estimated at $US100 billion, is likely to increase, according to a study looking at 50 years of data from thousands of locations...
02 September 2019
The reinsurance market will likely be more “rational” over the near term, with third-party capital investors continuing to be an influential presence, says AM Best...
02 September 2019
The insurance industry is considerably less concerned about “silent cyber” exposure than it was last year, with claims expectations down across insurance lines and industry groups, a new survey has revealed...
26 August 2019
Insurers will benefit extensively from data analytics if they expand its application to understanding new risk profiles, new research finds...
26 August 2019
Owners of properties located in the high-risk wildfire areas of California are finding it increasingly hard to buy home insurance...
26 August 2019
Claims management companies risk losing their UK licences or other penalties if they are found to have misled customers through questionable advertising, the Financial Conduct Authority has warned...
26 August 2019
Consumers in the UK are not getting the same product for the same price when they shop for their personal insurance needs on comparison sites, a study has found...
26 August 2019
Property and casualty insurers in the US recorded a net underwriting income of $US4.8 billion in the June half, down 9.6% from a year earlier, ratings agency AM Best says in a report...
19 August 2019
Global economic losses from all disasters fell to $US44 billion in the first half of the year, Swiss Re’s preliminary estimates show, down 13% from the first half of 2018...
19 August 2019
Up to 89% of UK businesses have no dedicated cyber insurance cover, leaving them potentially exposed to huge financial losses in the event of an attack, the Association of British Insurers says...
19 August 2019
German insurer Talanx has forecast full-year profit will top €900 million after its first-half result increased 9.4% to €477 million...
19 August 2019
Aspen Insurance has suffered a net loss of $US37.3 million and a near 6% decline in gross written premium over the last six months, compared to the previous corresponding period...
19 August 2019
Insured losses in China from Typhoon Lekima will exceed ¥6 billion, modelling firm AIR Worldwide estimates...
12 August 2019
The complexities of the current global claims environment is straining available expertise and resources for insurers, adjusters and others and is starting to affect clients, Aon says...