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And airports are a worry, too

16 October 2001

Severe cuts in insurance cover for terrorism and war following the September 11 attacks is also likely to see many European airports close if they can’t get extended government protection…

Israel will cover maritime rates increase

16 October 2001

Israel’s transport minister has recommended that the state contribute $10 million to meet an increase in maritime rates for ships docking at Israeli ports…

Terror claims and gross uncertainty

09 October 2001

Would insurers give a clearer picture of the possible loss from the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US if they reported their exposures in gross, rather than net, terms..?

New products meet new war risks

09 October 2001

Following the global withdrawal of terrorism cover, expect to see plenty of new niche products providing specific cover coming on the market…

Lloyd’s assesses its exposure

02 October 2001

Lloyd’s new exposure arising from the US terrorist attacks of September 11 is about $3.8 billion – equivalent to 12% of the market’s 2001 capacity…

Japanese stay home as premiums head north

02 October 2001

Japan’s outgoing tourism market, a major source of revenue for Australian tour operators, is drying up rapidly, and so is the insurance cover travelers used to take for granted…

Reinsurance capacity will shrink, says report

25 September 2001

It’s not only liability that’s drying up. Morgan Stanley said the capacity of the reinsurance market worldwide to take risk, currently around $120 billion annually of premium…

Australia keeps Qantas flying

25 September 2001

Meanwhile, the Australian Government has joined European governments in guaranteeing the third-party liabilities of its remaining major airline as the global insurers cancel war and terrorism risks for airlines…

Middle East becomes a war-risk zone for ships

25 September 2001

The Lloyd’s War Risks Committee is demanding that shipping companies inform Lloyd’s of plans to send ships into most of the Middle East’s ports and waterways, including the Arabian Gulf…

Insurance shares ploy may have aided terrorists

25 September 2001

Terrorist leader and accused New York attack ringleader Osama bin Laden allegedly financed the attack by short-selling insurance stocks like Axa, Swiss Re and Munich Re…

Japanese life insurers placed on watch

25 September 2001

Five major Japanese life insurers – Asahi Mutual, Meiji, Mitsui Mutual, Sumitomo and Yasuda Mutual – have been placed on credit watch by Standard and Poor’s…