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Allianz considers Dresdner sale

21 July 2008

The old saying that insurance and banking don’t mix appears to be holding true at German insurance giant Allianz, which looks set to offload its under-performing Dresdner Bank...

UK insurers seal deal on flood cover

14 July 2008

The Association of British Insurers and the UK Government have reached an agreement that ensures flood insurance will remain widely available...

California considers disaster levy on policies

14 July 2008

As 44 Australian and New Zealand fire-fighters join the battle against this summer’s Californian bushfires, the state’s legislators are discussing a “homeowners insurance surcharge” to cover...

AIG emerges in Beijing

14 July 2008

American International Group has finally broken its way into the Chinese capital of Beijing in its own right...

Emerging markets prop up premiums: Swiss Re

30 June 2008

Global insurance premiums increased marginally last year, with only strong growth in emerging economies saving the general insurance market from contraction…

UK flood review calls on insurers to lift their game

30 June 2008

British insurers have “generally responded well” to last year’s devastating summer flooding but could do better, according to an official report by leading bureaucrat Sir Michael Pitt...

AIG suffers ratings hit

23 June 2008

US ratings agency AM Best has downgraded ratings on two AIG subsidiaries in another setback for the beleaguered American insurer...