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Weak euro hits Amlin Q1 result

25 May 2015

Lloyd’s insurer and reinsurer Amlin has reported gross written premium of £1.26 billion for the first quarter, down from £1.28 billion in the corresponding period last year…

Allianz marks a century in the air

25 May 2015

Allianz is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its aviation underwriting business, which started out insuring airships…

UK tech group records double-digit growth

25 May 2015

Innovation Group has announced 11% revenue growth to £112.8 million and a 13% rise in net profit to £11.3 million for the six months to March 31…

Record broker sales drive M&A activity

18 May 2015

Global merger and acquisition activity in insurance has picked up in recent months, driven by a record number of broking acquisitions and a better economic outlook, according to Swiss Re…

P&C premium growth lifts Allianz profit

18 May 2015

Allianz says net profit increased 11% to €1.82 billion in the first quarter, thanks to strong premium growth in property and casualty and a record profit in life and health…

Exor sweetens bid for PartnerRe

18 May 2015

Italian investment group Exor has upped the ante in its hostile takeover bid for PartnerRe, raising its offer from $US6.4 billion to $US6.8 billion in cash…

HDI-Gerling parent reports profit rise

18 May 2015

Talanx, the parent company of HDI-Gerling Industrial Insurance, has reported first-quarter net income of €251 million, up 16.2% on the corresponding period last year…

British regulator warns on payment options

18 May 2015

UK brokers, insurers and comparison websites have been warned to provide clear information to retail customers on the cost of payment options for home and car insurance…

Growing competition dents premium growth

11 May 2015

Primary insurance premiums in the industrialised economies are expected to come under pressure amid a more competitive landscape, according to Munich Re’s annual Insurance Market Outlook…

PartnerRe takeover battle turns hostile

11 May 2015

The two-way battle for control of Bermudan reinsurer PartnerRe has turned hostile, with Italian investment group Exor pressing ahead with its offer despite being rejected…

Pressure on as Solvency II nears

11 May 2015

Insurers will remain cautious when managing capital in the lead-up to the January 1 implementation of the Solvency II European regulatory system, Moody’s says…

Nepal quake insurance losses will be low

11 May 2015

Initial economic losses from the Nepal earthquake may exceed $US5 billion, according to Impact Forecasting’s global catastrophe report for last month…