
Intermediaries premium rises to $16.5 billion in June half

21 September 2022

General insurance intermediaries invoiced about $16.58 billion in premium in the half-year to June 30, up from $14.12 billion a year earlier, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority figures released today show...

ICA backs emergency management leader appointment

20 September 2022

The Insurance Council of Australia has welcomed the appointment of Brendan Moon as the first Coordinator-General for the Federal Government’s new National Emergency Management Agency...

Aon appoints cyber solutions head for Australia and region

20 September 2022

Aon has appointed Adam Peckman Head of Cyber Solutions Asia Pacific to drive the growth of its business in Australia and the region as well as address new exposures in cyber security arising from the digital evolution, the broker announced today...

Landlord not covered for unpaved driveway accident

20 September 2022

A homeowner will not be compensated for accidental damage to his unpaved driveway after a dispute ruling determined it did not fall under the defined term of “building” covered by his landlord policy...

Vero wins Gold Mansfield for third straight year

16 September 2022

Vero has won the Gold Mansfield award recognising claims excellence for the third consecutive year after also taking out top honours in the SME Property and Casualty category...

No reprieve: wild winter weather drives up claims

15 September 2022

The past winter was the worst for home and motor claims caused by wild weather since 2016 and damaging conditions look set to persist into spring and summer, NRMA Insurance says...

La Nina snuffs ACT's October fire risk

14 September 2022

The ACT bushfire season has been pushed back a month to a start date of November 1 after unusually wet weather this year, allowing rural land holders to undertake private hazard reduction burns for another six weeks without the fire permits required throughout the official bushfire season...

ICA prepares for NSW flood forums

14 September 2022

The Insurance Council of Australia has changed the date for one of next week’s in-person meetings with NSW flood-hit communities due to the National Day of Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II...