
Insurers 'failing to keep up with customers'

15 May 2019

Customers in Australia and globally want more comprehensive and dynamic insurance products but are not getting them because of a tepid response from insurers, a new report claims...

Greens push for $50 million cladding fix

10 May 2019

The Greens want Canberra to finance a $50 million kitty to help affected apartment owners pay for the urgent removal of flammable cladding materials...

NIBA unveils project to prove broker value

08 May 2019

The National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) has launched a major project to research and prove the true value of brokers to their clients and the community...

Suncorp ponders spinning-off its bank

07 May 2019

Suncorp could consider the potential for a banking division spin-off as the financial services giant examines its current operations and structure...

Resilium sets out strategy after buyout

03 May 2019

Resilium Insurance, the largest privately owned authorised representative network following its separation from Suncorp, says it has started implementing new strategies to drive future growth...