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BI repercussions continue after High Court decision

17 October 2022

The High Court of Australia decision against hearing appeals on covid-triggered business interruption cover largely concludes the industry test case process in favour of insurers but the resolution of claim disputes and other legal action may take some time yet...

Central role: insurance and the climate transition

10 October 2022

The insurance industry has raised its voice on resilience, and is achieving political cut through following natural catastrophes, but the crucial role it can play worldwide in delivering new technologies that lower emissions tends to fly under the radar...

Diverse voices: highlights from Dive In 2022

03 October 2022

Doors opened to the biggest ever annual Dive In festival last week as industry leaders and inspirational guest speakers called on the insurance industry to herald in a “braver culture” at 150 events in 40 countries....

Top insurance affordability influences go unchecked

22 August 2022

Actuaries have painstakingly crunched the numbers on insurance affordability for Australia's 10 million households and the conclusion is clear: the current regime of taxes, building codes and land planning must change...

Seven megatrends to shape two decades

01 August 2022

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation has released a major new report outlining seven megatrends that will shape our society over the next 20 years...

Suncorp streamlining crescendos with bank sale

18 July 2022

After years of conjecture and the sale of various other financial services business in recent times, Suncorp has made the decision to divest its bank and focus entirely on insurance...

Brokers negotiating a tricky new path

11 July 2022

Scrutiny of broker remuneration and heat over commission payments and transparency was always going to rise this year as the Government’s Quality of Advice review commenced and various parties faced off from familiar corners...

The reinsurance pool reckoning that had to come

04 July 2022

When the Morrison government announced in February that its upcoming cyclone reinsurance pool would provide premium savings of up to 50% and more, there was widespread scepticism across the insurance industry...

Like-for-like vs like-for-right

27 June 2022

Insurers have been at the vanguard of calls to “build back better” after Australia’s record-breaking floods catastrophe – and rightly so...