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Builders’ warranty: report No 56, and little change

11 October 2010

QBE Australia has been taking some media heat over the past week from builders who say they are facing premiums up to three times higher than previously for their builders’ warranty insurance…

NZ earthquake: the situation

13 September 2010

The Christchurch earthquake is a major disaster that could deliver a bill of up to $4.3 billion, according to risk analysts…

Pandemics are a continuing risk

16 August 2010

Globalisation in the past 20 years has enabled systemic risks to spread further and faster than ever before…

When it comes to rates, size is everything

26 July 2010

Conflicting reports on June insurance renewal rates in the large versus SME segments suggest a two-speed market is in operation, with strong competition favouring…

Frank Earl: an issues man with a big vision

19 July 2010

In all the thousands of words that have been and will be written and spoken about Frank Earl this week, his vision on the future for brokers, stated more than seven years ago, may be forgotten…

Top insurers look in fine shape

05 July 2010

QBE Insurance Group has affirmed its top spot as Australia’s largest general insurer in a recent report by PricewaterhouseCoopers Australia…

QBE withstands rising losses

21 June 2010

QBE’s latest investor update proves that while the insurer may not be bulletproof, it can certainly absorb plenty of heat…

IAG: is it time to bale out on Blighty?

07 June 2010

Antipodeans who have done the “London thing” will attest to the existence of the “UK hump”, a point when the merits of leaving start to outweigh the benefits of staying…