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Code of practice: Different year, same issues

12 March 2012

When comparing the data from the latest Financial Ombudsman Service General Insurance Code of Practice Overview with that of the previous year, a pattern emerges of systemic failings…

Love to hate ’em

05 March 2012

The complexity of the insurer/consumer relationship can be summarised thus: insurers are trusted and loathed in equal measure while customers are satisfied with their insurer yet itching to switch…

Flood cover: Insurers are still waiting

27 February 2012

Insurers have started to act on flood cover – but will the Federal Government step up to the mark and do its share of the heavy lifting required to prevent a repeat of last year’s disasters…

GI insurers in good shape after disasters

30 January 2012

Most Australian general insurers are making a profit despite a string of natural disasters, but some clocked up spectacular losses during the 2011 financial year…

Foreign insurers step back from China

12 December 2011

The Chinese insurance market is continuing to be a tough challenge for foreign insurers, with banks entering the market and domestic competitors getting favourable treatment from regulators…

Reinsurers v insurers: Rates starting to harden

14 November 2011

Reinsurance has served disaster-affected communities well this year, but there was always going to be a price to pay and it is being reflected in the reinsurers’ results for the September quarter…

Would you buy AMI?

07 November 2011

At first glance, New Zealand’s second-largest home and contents insurer AMI should be attractive to another insurer wanting to buy a customer base of 485,000 clients and about a third…

Reinsurance: NZ breathes again

24 October 2011

Money has triumphed over fear in the New Zealand reinsurance market. Higher reinsurance rates are attracting reinsurers who have not normally operated in the market, offsetting fears…

FOFA: In whose best interest?

17 October 2011

How financial advisers are paid has been the headline act of the Future of Financial Advice legislation, but another issue has much wider implications…