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Young lawyers share ideas with Lloyd’s figures

Six young insurance lawyers from Sparke Helmore gained access to Lloyd’s of London brokers and claims professionals during a week-long immersion program last month.

They were the first Australian participants in a program organised by the Lloyd’s Market Association under-35s claims group.

Partner Wes Rose, senior associates Laura Rush, Mark Sainsbury, James Clohesy and Edward Osborne, and lawyer Josie Dempster exchanged ideas on issues from cyber risk to developments in the buildings defects space, which was topical following the recent Grenfell Tower tragedy.

“To share our intelligence on developments in the Australian market and how these could potentially impact their businesses opened up such a rich dialogue,” Ms Rush said.

The group also met Lloyd’s new Chairman Bruce Carnegie-Brown, and presented on topics affecting the market to more than 100 professionals from about 40 insurers and Lloyd’s syndicates and broking houses.