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Wesfarmers working on being more sustainable

Water consumption has fallen at Wesfarmers Insurance but the workplace safety record has risen dramatically.

In the Wesfarmers Sustainability Report for the 2012 financial year, water consumption has dropped to 73 megalitres during 2012 financial year compared to 80 megalitres in 2011.

But the frequency rate of lost time due to injury has risen to 2.71 in 2012 compared to 0.83 in the previous financial year.

Energy use has also risen with the insurance division using 0.09 petrajoules in 2012 compared to 0.08 petrajoules in 2011.

Greenhouse gas emissions were also on the rise with the division generating 13,917 tonnes of carbon dioxide compared to 12,789 tonnes in 2011.

“Some of our key sustainable outcomes during the reporting period included the introduction of a new cost-effective printing system across the underwriting business, as well as investing in a new policy management system in the NZ underwriting business,” the report said.

“Further energy savings are being achieved by reducing the total number of printers in the business.”

The insurer has a deal to ensure used toners and other consumables are disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.

“We estimate these initiatives will lead to a reduction of more than 60% in carbon emissions from printing in our businesses,” the report said.