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UAC Sydney expo draws 550 brokers

The Underwriting Agencies Council (UAC) says its recent Sydney expo had about 550 brokers and 74 exhibitors in attendance, a good sign for the industry as it looks to the post-pandemic landscape.

Brokers turned up for the March 12 event in two sessions, in accordance with COVID social distancing safety guidelines.

Ahead of the expo opening, UAC GM William Legge introduced the organisation’s new human resources partner, Natasha Hawker from personnel and recruitment consultant Employee Matters.

Mr Legge says feedback from the expo indicates the industry is holding up well despite the pandemic disruption on the economy at large.

“It seems that the restraints of the pandemic actually increased peoples’ awareness of the exposure that follows and they appeared to be very focused on obtaining insurance cover,” he told

“From what I was hearing both during 2020 COVID lockdowns and also at the expo, our members are writing and booking a very acceptable amount of business.”