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UAC expo opens doors to more exhibitors

The Underwriting Agencies Council (UAC) will host its 17th annual Sydney Underwriting Expo on March 9.

For the first time the event will include representatives from business services members. 

GM William Legge expects 75 exhibitors – compared with 53 last year – including up to 15 business services exhibitors such as software and IT companies, claims adjusters and accounting and law firms.

Former NSW premier and federal foreign minister Bob Carr will be the headline speaker at a lunch following the expo, and Lloyd’s Head of Delegated Authorities Peter Montanaro will speak at the earlier breakfast seminar.

Mr Legge says the event at the Sydney Hilton is an opportunity for brokers to talk to UAC members about their specialist products and services.

Attendance is free. Visitors will receive “passports” to be stamped by UAC members exhibiting, and all completed passports will enter a draw for a $5000 travel prize.

The breakfast costs $25 per person. Click here to register.

The lunch costs $110 per person. Click here to register.