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UAC elects new board

Lyndon Turner has been re-elected as Chairman of the Underwriting Agencies Council following last month’s AGM.

Mr Turner, the CEO of NM Insurance, was re-elected as a director alongside Lion Underwriting MD Kurt Nilsen and Underwriting Governance Manager at XL Catlin Peter Fryer. Each has completed a two-year term as directors.

Tego Insurance CEO Eric Lowenstein joined the board as a new director, while Rhys Mills from Solution Underwriting decided not to stand.

Directors Heath Amber from Millennium Underwriting, Linda King from Sterling Insurance, Simon Lightbody from Steadfast Agencies and Emily Walker from Axis Underwriting were elected for two-year terms at the 2016 AGM, so were not required to stand.

After the meeting Mr Turner was re-elected Chairman, Mr Nilsen as Deputy Chairman, Mr Fryer as Company Secretary and Ms King as Treasurer.