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Training to help plug skill shortages

The Council of Queensland Insurance Brokers (CQIB) and the state’s Financial Services School (FSS) have joined forces to offer better training options for young insurance professionals.

The two organisations have obtained State Government approval to add an extra five courses to the Queensland traineeship program.

The FSS will run the courses, which include Certificate III and IV in Insurance Broking, Diploma of Insurance Broking, Certificate IV in Loss Adjusting and Diploma of Loss Adjusting.

CQIB Executive Secretary Greg Duncalfe told this is the “next step” in the council’s bid to promote the industry as a viable career choice for the next generation.

He says recent catastrophes have “highlighted the stark need for more insurance professionals – not just in broking but all areas of the industry”.

Mr Duncalfe says many Queensland brokers and loss adjusters received a year’s supply of claims following the state’s floods and Cyclone Yasi.

The FSS, an associate member of the council, approached CQIB to work on a joint application to the Queensland Education Department to provide further education opportunities for the industry.

Mr Duncalfe says the council also plans to go into secondary schools and talk to students in years 10 and 11 about the insurance industry.

“Most students know what insurance is but have never really thought of it as a career,” he told

As part of the traineeship additions, employers will be eligible to receive Federal Government incentives up to $4000 per qualification for eligible employees.

The traineeships will be available for a 12-month trial period followed by a government review of demand for the courses.