Swiss Re launches flood risk app
Swiss Re has launched an iPad app with interactive information about flood risks and flood insurability.
Swiss Re Group Chief Underwriting Officer Matthias Weber says knowledge-driven companies like Swiss Re “need to embrace new channels for communicating their expertise”.
“The flood app allows us to reach out to a broad audience in an entertaining and interactive way,” he said.
The app includes short videos explaining different types of floods, such as flash floods, river floods, storm surge and tsunami.
A timeline of major past flood events includes recent disasters such as the Thai and Queensland floods and historical examples such as the 1099 floods in England and the Netherlands.
Interactive photos allow the user to compare streets before and after a flood, while case studies on flood adaptation describe flood risk and mitigation strategies in flood-prone areas including Guyana, Florida and the UK’s North Sea coast.
Interviews with Swiss Re managers explain the challenges of insuring flood risk and the importance of adapting to climate change.
Videos explain the five principles of insurability: mutuality, assessibility, randomness, economic viability and similarity of threat.
Case studies describing different flood insurance models feature Germany, France, the UK and the US, while the app also provides maps and details about flood risk for 50 cities around the world.